Sunday, 14 September 2014

Expecting Joy

It is definitely past time I started telling the world about our baby joy . . . I am now 21 weeks pregnant with Baby Number 3 and could not be more over the moon!  Everything has been progressing perfectly and peacefully, exactly as I dreamed and expected.  I am quite truly on a high.  Nothing can distract me from the pure bliss of carrying this new life within me.  I called to this baby and asked him/her to come and make our family complete, and now this tiny soul has arrived!  Nothing else matters.

We officially started "ttc" around Halloween 2013 and were successful in April of this year, so thankfully it did not take us very long.  In fact, I learned for future reference that perhaps the most effective form of natural birth control discovered to date must be parenthood itself, as having two small children to look after often interrupted, delayed or altogether prevented the "ttc"ing from happening in the first place!  Nevertheless, we have been very fortunate and blessed to welcome the presence of this new little being into our lives.  How exciting to be feeling all of these delightful taps, stretches and turns from within again!  It is a sensation that never gets old and is altogether beyond the humdrum everyday.  It is simply thrilling.

For anyone else who is trying to attract a new baby into their family, I've attached below some of the videos I was watching and listening to during that special pre-conception period to ready my mind and body for our baby and to prepare a positive mental state for pregnancy.  They are all completely free and can be found on YouTube.  I hope that others might find them helpful and that they might give hope and joy to other couples on their conception journeys.

In this short meditation, powerful affirmations combine with unforgettable images and ethereal music to create a soulful piece that inspires gratitude, optimism and deep joy.  Although I have never suffered from PCOS as did the author of this video, I have had a few miscarriages.  I know what it is like to feel that my body let me down and to lose faith in my body's ability to create and house a new baby, only to   heal and re-establish a loving connection with my womb and to become a mother of two gorgeous, healthy children.  The same author has also published a Womb Prayer Meditation on YouTube, which does not deal specifically with conception issues but addresses a woman's need to honour, love and be thankful for her womb and all it does to care for and sustain her throughout life.  She triumphantly declares that her wombstory is not about what happened to her, but what happened for her.  Love it.

Maybe it's my East Coast roots talking here, but I like Bex and her simple, down to earth approach to meditation and spirituality.  What she does feels very relaxed and genuine, and she has a very accessible girl-next-door quality that may suit people like me for whom meditation can be challenging or intimidating.  She helped me to find the words I wanted to say to our future child, which created a loving bond between us even before conception.  It also enabled me to develop trust in my body and in my baby in an easy, natural way.  I knew that my baby was on the way because I had already connected with him/her.  I felt confident knowing that it was only a matter of time rather than feeling stressed and under pressure to conceive as I have experienced previously.

A wonderful collection of reassuring, comforting and energizing affirmations broken down into categories, such as Affirmations to Release Mental Blocks, Affirmations for Lifestyle Changes and Affirmations for Manifesting a Baby.  You can't help but feel empowered and surrounded by positive, supportive energy.  View regularly!  

Quite simply, I love this woman's soothing, hypnotic voice and could listen to her all day and night!  This piece really helped me to visualize my womb as a healthy, warm, welcoming environment that was ready to nurture and grow a new baby.  It also helped me to reframe the process of conception in a more spiritual way.  Conception is not a bodily function to be controlled and mastered by the intellect.  Of course, we may chart our cycles, measure Basal body temperatures and even sometimes need to look for help in the form of fertility treatments depending on our individual situations.  However, in essence conception is not forcing or insisting.  It is an opening - physically, emotionally and spiritually - to the universal life force which is forever flowing within and without us.  We open up to possibility, to love.  It is not seizing control but giving it away to another power.  This meditation really helped me to tune into that life force and that opening and to trust that my baby would come when s/he knew that the time was right.

I also frequently listened to Maggie Howell's "Prepare to Conceive" CD, which is a part of her Natal Hypnotherapy range.  Like Debbie Williams in the video above, she has a voice which to me is simply made for encouraging a relaxed, hypnotic state.  The recording is about 25 minutes long and not only includes powerful and comforting visualizations but also stirs and nurtures the feelings of self-love and healing needed to adopt a healthy lifestyle which is conducive to conception.  I bought mine on

Best wishes to everyone who is waiting for a new little miracle to bless their lives!

Friday, 16 May 2014

Research Supports VBA2C

According to Trinity College School of Nursing and Midwifery in Dublin, Ireland, "As the number of caesarean sections (CSs) increase, the risks for women also increase.  A systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 studies (Marshall et al. 2011) showed that the rates of hysterectomy, blood transfusions, adhesions, and surgical injury all increased with an an increasing number of caesarean births.  Thus, a second/third caesarean birth should be avoided by women who have had one/two CSs, if feasible and safe to do so."

In the spirit of promoting safe and positive birth options for mothers who have had prior caesarean(s) and wish to have more children, please find below a preliminary list of links that demonstrate the overall safety and success rates of VBA2C.  I will continue to add to this list over time, so check back for updates.  In the meantime, I hope readers find this information useful and heartening. Bulletins/Committee on Practice Bulletins -- Obstetrics/pb115.pdf?dmc=1&ts=20130415T1216109630 
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (United States of America) Guidelines on VBAC, revised in 2010:
"Given the overall data, it is reasonable to consider women with two previous low transverse cesarean deliveries to be candidates for TOLAC, and to counsel them based on the combination of other factors that affect their probability of achieving a successful VBAC."
The clinical practice guidelines for birth after previous caesarean birth, published by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the United Kingdom.  It states, "Women with a prior history of two uncomplicated low transverse caesarean sections, in an otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy at term, with no contraindication for vaginal birth, who have been fully informed by a consultant obstetrician, may be considered suitable for planned VBAC."
A publication from The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the United Kingdom entitled, "Birth After Previous Caesarean: Information for You."  They claim, "Overall, about three out of four women (75%) with a straightforward pregnancy who go into labour give birth vaginally following one caesarean delivery . . . Most women with two previous caesarean deliveries will have their next baby by caesarean delivery.  However, should you go into labour your chance of a successful vaginal birth is slightly less than this (between 70% and 75%)."
"Delivery After Previous Caesarean Section Clinical Practice Guideline" from the Health Service Executive in the Republic of Ireland.  This document states, "In individual circumstances where a woman strongly desires a trial of labour after two previous CS, it may be considered.  If the head is engaged, if the cervix is favourable, if there is a history of a prior vaginal delivery and if labour starts spontaneously the risk of a successful VBAC may be high and the risk of UR may be low. However, the risks and benefits of a TOLAC in such cases should be documented antenatally in the notes. There is also a case for not using oxytocic agents either to induce or augment labour in such circumstances (Turner, 2002)."
A blogger references scientific research studies related to VBAMC in light of ACOG's revised guidelines.  A frank assessment of the culture of fear surrounding birth in our society.
A small study that shows a 75% VBA2C rate.  This was the same success rate as VBA1C but with increased morbidity.
A small study that demonstrated a 65% VBA2C success rate.
A small study showing an 89% VBA2C success rate.
A small study which showed no difference between VBA1C and VBA2C success rates, although rates of morbidity were increased for the VBA2C group.
A small study showing a 32% success rate in VBAC after 2 caesarean sections;jsessionid=DFE2CED959EF1294D077BCA8AD045250.f01t04?v=1&t=hvbzdwyd&s=85e75e2ce0081634cdee7bd686c2ea6a3f96a44d
This is a meta-analysis of many different studies, comparing success rates and maternal morbidity rates among VBA1C, VBA2C and RCS.  It notes a VBA2C success rate of 71.1% and a UR rate for attempted VBA2C as 1.36%.  What the authors fail to highlight either in the abstract or in the recommendations is that in the majority of the studies used, induction and augmentation of labour (e.g. oxytocin, syntocinon, prostaglandin gel) were used liberally by obstetricians, and epidurals were also used on many of the mothers involved.  Induction and augmentation of labour are known to be associated with comparatively higher rates of uterine rupture, and the use of epidurals is associated with higher rates of caesarean section even in unscarred moms.  Therefore, it is distinctly possible that the success rate is lower and the UR rate higher than one would find in a population of spontaneously labouring women who had no augmentation or epidural.
A story about an inspirational obstetrician in Northern Ireland who actively supports a mother's right to choose vaginal birth when it is safe and reasonable to do so.  In the 2010 article, Dr. McCabe says that she has facilitated 32 women in achieving vaginal births after 2 surgical births.

In addition to the above mentioned studies and articles, I HIGHLY recommend Jennifer Kamel's website  The website includes an extensive bibliography, which is an invaluable and fascinating resource.  One can also purchase the VBAC Facts Webinar and attend a virtual online course that provides an overview of available research relevant to VBAC candidates and their families.  Well worth the cost to inform your decision to plan either a VBAC or a repeat CS, depending on your unique circumstances.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Another Informative Resource

I would like to introduce readers to my favourite parenting magazine, JUNO.

JUNO is a natural parenting magazine that inspires and supports families through its range of features, columns and artwork.  Established in 2003, it is published four times a year, in March, June, September and December.  The editorial is broad, covering all aspects of family life for all ages.  JUNO is loved by many readers for its articles that share personal experiences and reflections, and for the beautiful and striking images and illustrations from a range of artists.

JUNO offers fresh perspectives in this fast-paced technological world, creating a non-judgmental community for those who are keen to follow a "natural approach to family life."  There are columns on home education, empowered birth, teens and nutrition; interviews, crafts and recipe ideas and a mix of features that can help readers make informed choices as they journey through the challenges of parenting.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Welcome, 2014!

"You should just be thankful that you have a healthy baby.  That's all that matters."  

The witch hunt is on.

The medical profession and the pharmaceutical companies are considered sacrosanct in our culture.  Anyone who dares to question or criticize their wild fantasies is branded a heretic, and VBAC moms in particular are labeled selfish mothers who have poor judgment for supposedly endangering the lives of their infants and putting their own desire for "an experience" ahead of the welfare of their child.  When we actually look at the scientific research, however, it is so obvious that widespread misconceptions about uterine rupture which are being perpetuated by the medical community and passed on by well-intentioned but uninformed people should really be relegated to the land of the dragons and trolls.  At the same time, equally false assumptions and assertions about the safety of the caesarean operation relative to VBAC continue to spread like wildfire.  Far from being the domain of the curious mind and a search for the truth, science and technology have become a religion.  We worship the holy men and women in the white coats, allowing them to pump us full of narcotics and toxic vaccines and butcher our mothers, and then we hail them as our saviors.  As caesarean moms, society and protocol demand that we kiss the ground they walk on, offer everlasting thanks to them for delivering our babies to us safe and sound against all odds, and curse our vile, ill-functioning bodies and Creation itself publicly for their inability to bring forth new life as they were designed to do.

Welcome, 2014!  This is truly going to be The Year of Shakti (Empowerment) for our family.  I hope it will be for yours, too.  We perceive the world through the eyes of the divine mother Kali Ma, and with her wisdom, dignity and strength we are able to see through samsara, the world of illusion, to a life free from slavery to the fears and demons which have been invented to keep us prostrate to the powers that be.  Happy New Year, indeed.  Happy New Life!